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12:24 a.m.

Not really the best evening. I really miss my two main people this eve. Why do I hang out with such travelers? I need to unload some massive gossip and I have only this computer. And I�ve had a very lame email day. I think the word of the day email was the only thing close to personal I got.

My head is wonky from all the dust from my stacking and packing project. Seeing D have yet another life crisis due to disorganization and indecision has made tossing most of my stuff for the move much easier.

Speaking of the D � he is somewhere over the Atlantic right now.

I am tired but glad I went for a super long walk. I spotted a vacancy sign on this great building earlier today so I made K walk by since she is looking for a place. Right as we walked up one of the tenants happened to be taking their dog out for a walk. K took the initiative to ask her opinion of the place.

Turns out it was her place that was for rent. She invited us in and gave us the inside scoop on the 4 tenant building. Maybe a little more than we wanted to know. For instance, the weekends are for fucking. It�s agreed so noone can get pissed about the noise.

I am glad to be staying here and away from the bottom level apartment. My upstairs neighbor had such a sporadic sex life. I lived in one apartment where the couple would had a ridiculously predictable sex-than-shower pattern.

I�m done with lower level apartments. I�m done with being left behind while my fellows travel to exotic places. I am done saving long academic articles from class. Does anyone ever really go back and revisit them?

I might write up a survey on d-land about stuff, pack-rats and various things people hold onto or what kinds of items people have regretted throwing away. I�m once again obsessed with this topic because I am moving (again). It�s just so hard to get rid of some stuff but intellectually it doesn�t make any sense.

I think that I need to write up a better entry later since it�s after midnight and this marks one year of the hodpodge diary. It�s time for reflection and a redesign? Maybe?

huh? - 2004-01-15
resolutions - 2004-01-09
video reason - 2003-12-30
sik - 2003-12-06
voiceless - 2003-11-19

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