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3:20 p.m.

I got my ass back downtown to celebrate J�s B-day last night. We went to the Bronx which used to be a rough little joint with sliders and 75 cent highlifes in a can (K and I frequented before class) but is now under new ownership � it�s has essentially the same set up but it�s darker and there are more youngsters there (I won�t write scenesters because that�s too old of me, too detached, too judgmental.. I mean those scenesters are ok..) and they are all playing pool and drinking highlife out of bottles.

It was a good time though. And the Pistons won without me watching a second of the game which makes me feel like I don�t even matter. Oh well, I am a fair-weather fan anyway and I can watch them take the series on Friday.

Speaking of series, I am personally insulted by the season finale of the Creek. I know that the final season hasn�t offered anything compared to the first two but I really thought the writers would redeem themselves for the finale. It was gross. Pretty blondes always die of heart failure (so they don�t have to get all ugly from chemo or open sores) leaving behind � what else? A young baby girl. What was Jen�s dying wish? To have Joey finally chose between Pacey and Dawson. Barf in a bucket and drink it on Sunday, it was such trashy plot trickery.

I am so mad that the first seasons were so good. Those fucks got me addicted to all that bittersweet teen sentimentality and I had to keep watching� But really I should have known better when Pacey and Joey got locked in a Kmart for an episode.

Thank the little lord that I will be out of my cable television vice very soon. Maybe I can get back to being more productive.

Oh yeah, they are starting to show my apartment tomorrow. I really don�t like having people in my place. And I really don�t like my landlord. She tried to tell me that we needed to schedule an additional time in case tomorrow was too short of notice for the people. Well, since the �people� are obviously on a search for places to live, they can work around ME. What a ho.

I�m just irritated that I have to clean my place. I guess I don�t have to�.

huh? - 2004-01-15
resolutions - 2004-01-09
video reason - 2003-12-30
sik - 2003-12-06
voiceless - 2003-11-19

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