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3:45 p.m.

I am going to get out of the house today if I have to skate down the front stairs. There is ice everywhere. The weather page said it would be in the northern part of Michigan � I feel betrayed.

I don�t like when Saturdays start to feel like Sundays-when-you-were-a-kid. No good. I�ve been at my computer for too long making odd things in After Effects so S is coming out and we are going to go see what we can find for ten dollars at the Maxx. Anything more and I�m dipping into grocery money.

I have to be back in time for my nightly news analysis. That way I will feel like I have done some homework.

huh? - 2004-01-15
resolutions - 2004-01-09
video reason - 2003-12-30
sik - 2003-12-06
voiceless - 2003-11-19

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