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9:39 p.m.

Oooh cable speed connection. Very nice. Back online.

The past couple days have been obnoxious. I am sleep deprived and overheated from the radiator action in this little box I like to call my new apartment.

Yesterday I took Phoebe in to the animal clinic for a cat enema. She was in a very bad way, poor cat. I admire how much D loves that little purrbox. He was upset that the vet didn�t comment on how attractive Phoebe is during the initial consultation. I was very glad when the clerk at the drop off desk yesterday told me that she was so �cute.� I made sure to let D know.

D picked me up later that afternoon to take me to my CT scan. Of course when I got there the secretary didn�t have my �authorization� from my HMO even though I had called way ahead of time. I had to sit and wait for the cranky insurance liaison to get my referral � I was so nervous because it was around noon and I�ve been in that office around lunch time before. Lets just say the ladies aren�t so focused on their jobs when they are discussing what kinds of salads the have upstairs in the cafeteria. I had to wait for a call back from these pre-occupied hungry ladies � I was sweating the whole time worrying about having to pay for a CT scan myself. A half hour later I was rewarded with a referral and then a personal scolding from the woman at my oncologists office about how they need more notice next time..blah-blah-blah. The fucking nerve! I cut her off and told her that I was well aware of how things work and what I need to do because you see lady I�ve had cancer since like this summer, ok? She changed her tone and wished me luck. Thanks but, doesn't me having cancer show that I'm not a real champ in the luck department? She could have said something else. Like "here's an authorization number, sorry about the wait."

I was extra edgy because I didn�t really think ahead when I agreed to this CT scan date. I was downing my second bottle of barfy barium and realized that my stomach wasn�t going to be the same for 12 hours and I had one last class to go to.

I ended up suffering the whole rest of the day and all through our final reading of fifteen wanna-be screenwriters first act highlights. I didn�t feel any better until after class. On the up side - I am officially done with school and don�t have to do a damn thing but collect presents for the next couple weeks.

S and I played cranky chefs today and made Christmas cookies.

We were cranky because we have only been on WSU vacation for a day and haven�t really de-stressed yet. Which made us a little impatient that we had to run out to the store twice to pick up different ingredients after already waiting for a slow cable guy for two hours. By the time we were facing a third trip we started improvising. I am ashamed that I don�t know my neighbor (yet?) I could have borrowed some stuff from her.

Our cookies turned out great. We had to give up on the never ending batch of sugar cookies. It seemed like it kept growing. We would cut the shapes out and then re-roll and there would be even more dough. S finally took off around seven and said I could be struggling with that Gremlin Dough until midnight if I didn�t let it go.

Now I just have to get to wrapping some gifts. Ho-ho-ho.

huh? - 2004-01-15
resolutions - 2004-01-09
video reason - 2003-12-30
sik - 2003-12-06
voiceless - 2003-11-19

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