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9:47 p.m.

I love my cheap ass mini digital half-pixel cam. LOVE it. Except the software continuously fucks up my computer and I never know if I am going to be able to get the pictures off the camera. But that is part of the fun of blurry, cheap instant photos and video.

Does anyone else see the danger of the TBS cable channel showing four episodes of �Dawson�s Creek� back to back every weekday morning? I never got to see any episodes beyond the first three. I�ve been missing out. I can�t wait to get out of grad school for the summer. I was going to get another job but forget it man.

I am having a rough day actually. Not liking my surroundings much and I don�t think I am so big on living alone anymore. Maybe I have been watching too much �Sorority Life� � because I long for someone to disrespect and leave dishes around or something -shit - there is most definitely a TV theme going on. It�s my first time with cable. That�s all I have to say�. People that discuss television are lonely. Maybe not the people that refer to �Sanford and Son� or �The Great American Hero� in party conversations � those are the cool people.

Yeah, anyhow. I�ve got some shit-ass-damn-homework to do. I see my new Rad Onc tomorrow and I still have not rescheduled my CT scan and I don�t plan on it - I�m holding out for a formal apology from the sign-in clerk. I hope she hasn�t slept a wink since March 21st when she denied my paperwork. I�ll bet the guilt has driven her to madness by now. I feel much better knowing that my William Beaumont Hospital Imaging Center Boycott is working. I hope my Rad Onc understands when I explain it to him tomorrow. I cannot have a CT scan for political reasons.

huh? - 2004-01-15
resolutions - 2004-01-09
video reason - 2003-12-30
sik - 2003-12-06
voiceless - 2003-11-19

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