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11:56 a.m.

I hung out with the fabulous miss K last night. She is so lucky to be my sister.

I hadn't been to the "mall" in a while and I felt like I should try to buy something to fill the empty space in my heart so we went to the local hot spot.

I have decided that I am going to be one of those people that ends up on a talk show for a makeover because their friends want them to stop dressing like they did in high school. I couldn't find a damn thing. Fashion today is horrific! Do that many people want to dress like Skankuilera? And really of the few decent items I thought I might purchase I couldn�t help but notice they were on a rack accompanied by 28 look-alikes. That leaves room for the possibility of 28 � eleven year olds biting off my style.

K didn�t buy a thing. I am not sure if it was because she was boycotting bad retail choices in protest of a mass market that limits teenagers like herself to nothing but tummy-bearing bippies or if she just didn�t have any money. I bought a sweater for $5.29. We were more excited about going to the movies.

As long as I get started on some sort of reading for class by 11:30 this evening I can say I worked this weekend. As time goes by I am less and less motivated for school. Blame it on the rain.

huh? - 2004-01-15
resolutions - 2004-01-09
video reason - 2003-12-30
sik - 2003-12-06
voiceless - 2003-11-19

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